18 Nov 2021 BidPrime News BidPrime Quarterly The Big Bid Theory industry analysis government purchasing ASCE ASCE report card infrastructure customer service tips cybersecurity salesforce security guards security services disaster preparedness hurricanes wildfires floods BidPrime Quarterly Edition: 22, 2021 - Q3 BidPrime Introduces Salesforce and CSV Export Tool On the heels of our recent release of the Salesforce and CSV Export tool, Anthony Kallas and Paige
27 Oct 2016 Consulting & Professional Services Arizona Chicago Cubs Crazy Bids Customer Service customer service tips Partners in Business Excellence paying child support Peter Holtgreive Podcast The Big Bid Theory Set Your Business Apart thru Excellent Customer Service, Raising Arizona in #CrazyBids, and a Reverse Jinx! We are all fans of receiving excellent customer service when we’re the customer, but is your business providing effective customer service? Peter Holtgreive, from