22 Aug 2022 The Big Bid Theory Beacon Bid Crazy Bids eProcurement NIGP Forum government purchasing What is the Beacon Buzz at NIGP Forum? Beacon Bid is here! What is the latest in e-procurement that will help both agencies and business? Live from Boston - NIGP Forum 2022, Bill
10 Aug 2022 The Big Bid Theory Crazy Bids marijuana legalization legalization of marijuana movement employee screening business tips human resources How is Marijuana Legalization Impacting Your Business? As more and more states consider and pass laws regarding the legalization of marijuana, how does that impact you and your business? Nina French, from
07 Jun 2022 The Big Bid Theory clinical health Crazy Bids healthcare staffing covid clinical lab US healthcare COVID Pandemic Lessons Learned and Healthcare Staffing Crisis Season 8 is off and running and who better to bring on than Dr. Rodney Rohde! Our resident US public health expert helps cover a
12 Nov 2021 The Big Bid Theory airport operations airport management private pilot NPIAS AIP FAA horse auction Crazy Bids What’s Needed to Get Airport Projects Off the Ground? How do 5,217 public and 14,702 private airports in the United States happen? (data from Statista) There is much involved in building, managing
08 Oct 2021 The Big Bid Theory cybersecurity cybercrime Crazy Bids hacker attack malware social engineering Cybercriminals Would Appreciate You Not Listen to This Episode. Two Ways to Improve Your Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity continues to be a challenge for individuals, business, and governments. You? Roger Grimes, from KnowBe4, explains how social engineering poses an enormous threat to