30 Aug 2019 Information Technology The Big Bid Theory atlanta Bids business continuity cio cloud technology Crazy Bids disaster recovery gary brantley ransomware RFPs smart city Atlanta's CIO Takes Us Inside Major Metro Information Technology What goes on in the Information Technology universe of a major metro in the United States? Our guest, Mr. Gary Brantley, serves as Atlanta’s
14 Feb 2017 BidPrime News backup software backup solutions bid requests Bids business continuity continuity plans disaster preparedeness generators government contracts recovery systems RFPs UPS What are Agencies Doing to Ensure Business Continuity? You’ve seen the quote, “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.” Well, local, state, and federal agencies, along with education, military, law enforcement,
01 Sep 2016 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety Bids business continuity data recovery disaster preparedness disaster recovery government contracts bid requests operations plans RFPs risk management Developing a Business Continuity Plan after Disaster Strikes is Too Late. Public Sector Agrees. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin On the day that Mr. Franklin first uttered those words, of course the world