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01 Feb 2019 Automobile, Air, and Transportation airports ABIA air travel airport security aviation bid requests government contracts government purchasing infrastructure RFP Transportation and Highways Airports in U.S. Trying to Take Flight As the United States attempts to catch up a lagging infrastructure, airports have been a target for investment and growth. Is it too little? Rob
08 Jan 2019 Consulting & Professional Services BidPrime News government spending 2018 in review automation bid requests Bids big data body worn cameras BWC cloud services critical infrastructure cyber security digital evidence disaster preparedeness disaster response drones endpoint protection government contracts government purchasing identity management IIoT infrastructure IoT LED RFP scooter UAV Government Spending. Look Back and Ahead. Industry Expert Reveals Predictions for Government Purchasing in 2019 They’re back! Stephen Hetzel, BidPrime’s co-Founder and COO, along with Bill Culhane, returned in
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