19 Jan 2022 BidPrime News BidPrime Quarterly The Big Bid Theory industry analysis government purchasing LED LED lighting infrastructure infrastructure bill IIJA airport management drone technology ASCE government contracts T Association texas state university BidPrime Quarterly Edition: 23, 2021 - Q4 BidPrime recently hosted a free webinar. In the presentation, we discussed some of the important aspects of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, recapped product
13 Dec 2021 BidPrime News infrastructure bill what is in infrastructure bill Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act government contracts government bids state and local government bids and RFPs business joe biden Infrastructure Bill Brings BidPrime to DC and Contracts to Businesses Back on November 15th, after a seemingly endless series of debates and delays over the years, President Joe Biden signed into law the $1.2
03 Dec 2021 BidPrime News infrastructure infrastructure bill explained IIJA Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act joe biden government contracts The Big Bid Theory Infrastructure Bill is Signed, So What's Next? Bill Culhane, host of 'The Big Bid Theory', visits with two industry experts to discuss the recently signed bipartisan infrastructure bill. Watch this
18 Nov 2021 BidPrime News BidPrime Quarterly The Big Bid Theory industry analysis government purchasing ASCE ASCE report card infrastructure customer service tips cybersecurity salesforce security guards security services disaster preparedness hurricanes wildfires floods BidPrime Quarterly Edition: 22, 2021 - Q3 BidPrime Introduces Salesforce and CSV Export Tool On the heels of our recent release of the Salesforce and CSV Export tool, Anthony Kallas and Paige
12 Nov 2021 The Big Bid Theory airport operations airport management private pilot NPIAS AIP FAA horse auction Crazy Bids What’s Needed to Get Airport Projects Off the Ground? How do 5,217 public and 14,702 private airports in the United States happen? (data from Statista) There is much involved in building, managing