29 Apr 2021 BidPrime News BidPrime Quarterly industry analysis The Big Bid Theory government purchasing joe biden american jobs plan parks and recreation covid virus evolution texas state university Dr. Rodney Rohde PPE vaccinations covid testing infrastructure Infrastructure Hub BidPrime Quarterly Edition: 20, 2021 - Q1 BidPrime Unveils Infrastructure Hub We recently developed and launched our most recent bid / RFP tool, an ‘Infrastructure Hub’, on the heels of the White House
19 Apr 2021 BidPrime News The Big Bid Theory COVID-19 coronavirus virus evolution public health healthcare texas state university clinical lab Medical Laboratory Professionals Week PPE vaccinations alcohol testing COVID a Year Later. Virus Expert With Lessons Learned and What's Ahead. Hear from an actual expert, whose reputation has made him a sought after authority on many aspects of the global pandemic. A year after his