06 Jul 2018 BidPrime News Bids climate control cloud cloud technology cybersecurity data migration disaster preparedness drones education equipment education equipment refresh environmental services explosives detection government contracts IT equipment phishing radiation detection RFPs SCADA unmanned automonous vehicle Which Industries Affected by Notable Government Bid Activity? How time flies when the public sector is in purchasing mode. Back in January 2018, Stephen Hetzel and Bill Culhane collaborated on another installment of
05 Jan 2018 BidPrime News Consulting & Professional Services bid requests Bids body worn cameras climate control cloud services cyber security disaster preparedeness disaster response drones education equipment refresh EOD detection government contracts government purchasing identity management infrastructure marijuana industry radiation detection RFP SCADA UAV Government Purchasing in 2017 & What's Ahead in 2018? In terms of government purchasing, how did things go for your industry in 2017? How do things look in 2018? At the end of each
07 Jun 2017 Environmental Bids climate climate change climate control emissions government contracts greenhouse gas hazardous waste litter control Paris Climate Accord pollution pollution reduction president trump RFPs smog bid requests Climate, Environment, and Pollution are Hot Topics for U.S. Governments What will planet Earth be like when my nieces are my age? That’s a question which I grapple with often. A week ago, fulfilling