15 Sep 2017 BidPrime News business guru business success caribbean gold coast High seas invitation mediterranean Success Gary Gallegos Talks Success and the High Seas You’ve likely met him by now. A phrase often overused, the incomparable Mr. Gary Gallegos is genuinely "a man for all seasons"
07 Sep 2017 BidPrime News anniversary Austin BidPrime business success Seattle start up state and local government bids and RFPs BidPrime Anniversary. Exciting Eight Years Behind Us with Much More to Come! Kind words from a friend and visionary: August 2009 seems like a long time ago, indeed time does fly when you’re having fun. Way
08 Aug 2017 BidPrime News anniversary Austin bid services industry BidPrime business success milestone start up team teamwork In The Beginning. BidPrime's Early Days. In The Beginning: How far have we come? As we approach the eight year anniversary of the launch of our company, we thought it would
28 Apr 2017 BidPrime News BidPrime core values team business success leadership BidPrime: Our Core Values Our Core Values serve to help guide us day to day in our interactions at BidPrime. Everyone on our team has agreed, and firmly believes,