13 Mar 2019 Architecture, Engineering & Construction infrastructure ASCE ASCE report card bridge infrastructure clean water Crazy Bids Kennewick Podcast roadway systems The Big Bid Theory wine tasting Infrastructure. What’s the Road to Improving D+ Grade? If you drive, fly, or drink water in the U.S., you’ll want to have a listen. What, if anything, is the U.S.
09 Nov 2017 Energy and Lighting ASCE bid requests Bids distribution lines eastern interconnection electric grid government contracts power grid power grid security power outages renewable energy RFPs transmission lines western interconnection U.S. Power Grid. Who Will Keep the Lights On? How important is the power grid to your daily life? What about your business? Count governments, throughout the United States, among those who rely on
18 Aug 2017 Construction, Renovation, and Site Work ASCE report ASCE bridge infrastructure bridge maintenance bridges stucturally deficient bridges trump Trump infrastructure plan Any Hope in Sight as U.S. Bridges Crumble? So many questions. Is President Trump’s pledge to improve the U.S. infrastructure a bridge to nowhere? Earlier this week, President Trump signed an
17 Aug 2017 Construction, Renovation, and Site Work ASCE report ASCE deficient infrastructure executive order infrastructure president trump roads and bridges trump Trump Signs Infrastructure Executive Order. Now What? The clock is most assuredly ticking. Going back to the campaign trail, President Donald Trump has professed his desire for the United States to address
25 May 2017 Construction, Renovation, and Site Work ASCE ASCE report card Crazy Bids failing grade infrastructure innovation infrastructure security The Big Bid Theory US bridges D+. You See ASCE U.S. Infrastructure Report Card? Gulp. Is There Any Hope? The grades are in! We’ve been talking about various aspects of U.S. infrastructure for years. Bridges in the U.S., yikes! Mr. Greg