BidPrime Quarterly, Edition: 12, 2019 - Q1

What’s New from BidPrime

Data is our business at BidPrime. We store, analyze and distribute terabytes of information. We have real-time data feedback loops to help make operational decisions. We keep track of usage metrics to guide our product roadmap. And of course, we have a trove of government spending information that we enjoy exploring.

Aggregating and pre-processing an ever-increasing amount of streaming data inherently takes time. Methods of storing and processing data from decades ago just don’t work any more with the amount of information that companies have to process today.

You may have heard about scaling out rather than scaling up, or horizontal scaling vs vertical scaling. This simply means designing an architecture that allows work or storage to be split into many smaller chunks rather than simply increasing the processing power or storage space of any single machine. This is how we’ve created an “infinitely scalable” architecture to keep up with our ever increasing data demands.

Over the last few months we’ve made significant improvements to the way we match bid opportunities to our customers. We’re now able to take thousands of complex, user-specific keyword filters and conditions to find bids from years ago in milliseconds. We’ve been able to use these innovations in new and exciting products and features that we’ll be rolling out throughout the year. The first of which is our new market analysis. We’ve built a dynamic market analysis report that executes thousands of user-specific searches and aggregates millions of data points including bid durations, top entities, regions and release time periods on-the-fly.

We’re excited to see how we can use technology, innovation and our comprehensive bid and RFP database to provide even better service, insight and tools for our customers. On top of everything else, Market Analysis can be specially tailored by our tech team upon request to provide individual users with deep-dive, fully customized reports. We are also amenable to assisting non-client companies that want to evaluate historical competitive trends and analytics.

For more information on BidPrime, visit or call toll-free (888) 808-5356. To learn even more about the Market Analysis.

My Best,

Josh Schwartzbeck / Chief Technology Officer / BidPrime


Law Enforcement and Security Poised for Growth in 2019
You know the old saying, “crime doesn’t pay.” Well, most U.S. governments understand you have to pay to fight crime.

13 ways entrepreneurs can help their company guard against hacking
As technology evolves, so do hackers‘ techniques, something which puts tremendous pressure on organizations to constantly update their security measures in order to keep their data secure.

GSA picks Ernst and Young to phase out the DUNS number
The government is moving to a new provider to validate and track its business with contractors and other parties.

Robotics in Governments to Grow in 2019 and Beyond
After a busy 2018 for the robotics industry, how will involvement and investment by the public sectors in the U.S. and Canada further stimulate growth and who should concern themselves about it?

White House Issues New Guidance on Category Management
Eight years after the Obama administration began importing the private-sector procurement tool known as “category management,” the Trump administration on Thursday rescinded old directives and delivered new agency guidance.

What’s New in Civic Tech: Federal Government Launches
The federal government has launched a new website dedicated to artificial intelligence.

Government Spending. Look Back and Ahead.
Government expert reveals predictions for government purchasing in 2019.

Fed watchdog wants DOD to have better insight into contractors’ safety records
New regulations requiring a safety record review could have contractors bracing for a legal fight, and it wouldn’t be the first time this has occurred.

Industry Analysis


As the United States attempts to catch up a lagging infrastructure, airports have been a target for investment and growth. Is it too little? Full report.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Government investment in providing systems to help ensure safe and efficient travel leaves the ITS industry incredibly busy. Full report.

Maximize BidPrime

BidSpec Direct. How to get the bid documents you need.

This moment over 87,000 active solicitations exist in our real-time database. Every hour, of each day, we add thousands more of these timely opportunities.

We understand that getting access to bid documents is one of the biggest challenges in doing business with many governments. BidPrime introduced BidSpec Direct with the goal to help you better overcome these barriers and qualify bids faster. Our bid research team is adept at navigating these complicated portals and has developed connections with many procurement departments to provide documents quickly, without added cost to you.

The vast majority of agencies readily provide our team access to documents. They understand the value of visibility to potential vendors like you. On the other hand, a small number of agencies do not make it simple for us obtain these documents. Some may not return our calls or emails requesting these documents, may not allow us access, and may not cooperate with us without a formal FOIA request, which could take weeks.

We’ll continue to attempt to contact these agencies and identify the unresponsive agencies. We may email you guidance and contact resources to improve the success rate so that you may receive this data in a more timely fashion. As always, the goal of everyone on our team is to exceed your expectations.

Anna Barnett / Client Support Manager / BidPrime

BidPrime Spotlight

We are proud of each of our teammates at BidPrime and appreciate the professionalism, talents, personalities, and interests each brings to our team. From you interactions with him, many of you already know Rick Jennings, one of the superstars on our Client Support team. As Rick approaches his two year anniversary with BidPrime, here are some things you possibly don’t know about our resident audio expert.

More about Rick

The Big Bid Theory

Changing government purchasing & mankind one edition of #CrazyBids at a time. Special guests discussing special topics. All of that and more. A lot more!


If you drive, fly, or drink water in the U.S., you’ll want to have a listen. What, if anything, is the U.S. doing to improve the D+ grade on infrastructure? Brian Pallasch, from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), helps us kickoff Season 5 by discussing the latest. Pallasch details why action is needed, what federal, state, and local governments are doing, options to pay for it, and more.

In this edition of Crazy Bids, we each raise a glass to Port Kennewick, Washington.

All of that and more. A lot more!