12 Jan 2017 BidPrime News bid requests Bids government contracts integrated systems Internet of Things IoT RFPs technology Information Technology Where are Government Agencies Involved in Internet of Things (IoT)? At a weekly content development meeting earlier this week, one of the attendees brought up the idea of doing a report on the ‘Internet of
19 Oct 2016 Information Technology 3D augmented reality bid requests Bids business business growth government government contracting government contracts government program graphics new business development purchasing Research RFPs simulation simulation technology simulators Small Business State and Local technology virtual reality VR backup software Software VR & Simulation Tech Leveraged by Governments is a Reality How time flies when one is looking into the future. Over 80 years ago, noted science-fiction author, Stanley G. Weinbaum, envisioned and wrote about a
28 Jun 2016 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety Bids body worn camera BWC government contracts law enforcement law enforcement technology bid requests RFPs technology What Is Latest on Body Worn Camera Use by Law Enforcement? What is your opinion regarding the use of body worn cameras? This is fact, not opinion: nearly every major police department in the United States
20 Jan 2016 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety Bids body cameras body worn cameras business business growth BWC government government contracting government contracts bid requests government program law enforcement technology new business development police purchasing Research RFPs Small Business State and Local technology video camera Surge in Body Worn Camera Requests from Law Enforcement and Governments 323% RISE IN NUMBER OF BODY WORN CAMERA BIDS FROM 2014 TO 2015 One year ago, I spearheaded the research project at BidPrime, “Local Law
08 Jun 2015 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety alert paging alert system alert systems auto messaging beacon warning system bid requests Bids Blanco River business business growth 911 disaster preparedness emergency emergency communications Federal Government giant voice govenrment bids government government contracting government contracts government program intelligent notfication system mass notification MIR3 new business development NG911 panic alert system purchasing Research RFPs safety security SLED State and Local technology warning system Mass Notification and Alert Systems Experiencing Dramatic Growth in Public Sector “Failing to prepare, preparing to fail…” In the real world of public safety, that approach can lead to loss of life, injury, and/or substantial