08 Jun 2015 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety alert paging alert system alert systems auto messaging beacon warning system bid requests Bids Blanco River business business growth 911 disaster preparedness emergency emergency communications Federal Government giant voice govenrment bids government government contracting government contracts government program intelligent notfication system mass notification MIR3 new business development NG911 panic alert system purchasing Research RFPs safety security SLED State and Local technology warning system Mass Notification and Alert Systems Experiencing Dramatic Growth in Public Sector “Failing to prepare, preparing to fail…” In the real world of public safety, that approach can lead to loss of life, injury, and/or substantial
27 May 2015 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety bid requests business business growth emergency emergency communication systems emergency response EMT first responders government government contracting government contracts government program Intelleigent Transportation Systems ITS new business development next generation 911 NG911 purchasing rescue Research RFPs safety Small Business State and Local How are NG911 Systems Being Used by City, County, State, and Fed Governments? 224 in the past twelve months. That’s the impressive number of bid requests for NG911-related systems and services submitted by government entities in the