27 Dec 2016 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety Barrier Patrol bid requests Bids drones government contracts Anti-Submarine Warfare Mine Countermeasures RFPs Time Critical Strike UAV undersea drones unmanned automonous vehicle unmanned undersea vehicle unmanned underwater vehicle US Navy UUV Unmanned Undersea Vehicles. The Waters are Crowded Places. If you’ve been keeping up, aerial drones have received a lot of press and sales for that technology have skyrocketed in recent times. I’
21 Dec 2016 BidPrime News Bids Crazy Bids future of government purchasing government contracts government purchasing mistakes to avoid Podcast pursuing government business RFPs The Big Bid Theory trump bid requests Don’t Repeat Mistakes, Trump’s Impact on Government Purchasing, and Pick this #CrazyBids to Win, Place or Show. John Ward, a respected expert on the government market, visited the show to discuss mistakes he’s witnessed over the years, and how to avoid
16 Dec 2016 Energy and Lighting bid requests Bids diesel diesel fuel futures Energy Information Administration fuel purchases fuels gas lease gasoline government contracts jet fuel oil oil lease petroleum petroleum products propane Ranken Energy RFPs Fueling Governments. Gas, Oil and other Purchases. While governments throughout the U.S. are making millions of dollars in gas and oil leases, businesses are benefitting greatly through government agency purchases of
14 Dec 2016 Security, Public Safety, Fire & Safety Bids command vehicles crime scene command post emergency command vehicles emergency vehicles EOD vehicles bid requests fire trucks government contracts HAZMAT command post law enforcement vehicles mobile command centers police vehicles rescue vehicles RFPs ambulances What Vehicles are Needed When the Emergency Call Comes In? Across the United States, agencies are preparing for the next emergency. As a follow up to Jim Ward’s research and report on emergency command
06 Dec 2016 Parks, Sports, and Recreation bid requests Bids fireworks fireworks shows fourth of july celebration government contracts New Year's Eve fireworks show pyrotechnics RFPs Why are Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Always in Season for Government Agencies? Government agencies love to put on great parties! From 4th of July, to New Year’s, to special days for local communities, and more, city,