14 Feb 2017 BidPrime News backup software backup solutions bid requests Bids business continuity continuity plans disaster preparedeness generators government contracts recovery systems RFPs UPS What are Agencies Doing to Ensure Business Continuity? You’ve seen the quote, “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.” Well, local, state, and federal agencies, along with education, military, law enforcement,
19 Oct 2016 Information Technology 3D augmented reality bid requests Bids business business growth government government contracting government contracts government program graphics new business development purchasing Research RFPs simulation simulation technology simulators Small Business State and Local technology virtual reality VR backup software Software VR & Simulation Tech Leveraged by Governments is a Reality How time flies when one is looking into the future. Over 80 years ago, noted science-fiction author, Stanley G. Weinbaum, envisioned and wrote about a