Solar / Photovoltaic Energy and Solutions: Bid Requests Help Lead to Record-Breaking Year
Around the globe, people are looking to identify and leverage efficient, viable, cost effective energy sources. The topic of solar energy (photovoltaic) evokes the familiar responses of “pro”, “against”, and “indifferent towards”. Of course, there are ample and valid reasons for each sentiment. Regardless of our individual stances on solar energy, it is here to stay *looks into crystal ball* and is growing at an impressive rate.
Over time, as occurs with most technologies, solar energy costs have decreased. Assuredly it is not the solitary justification, but as the costs associated with photovoltaic systems have fallen, the bid requests for, and installation of, solar energy solutions by governments have increased. This includes the United States and Canada.
Almost exactly one year ago before today, Colin Chilcoat reported in on the projected 2015 U.S. spending on energy research, including, “$1.5 billion – is assigned to energy efficiency and renewable energy in relatively equal shares.” As you will see in the infographic below, U.S. governments have not isolated their investment in solar energy to purely research and are helping to fuel (sorry) industry growth.
Just as Mr. Chilcoat somewhat foreshadowed last year, 2015 was a banner year for the solar industry in the United States. A couple of weeks ago, SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association) reported there were 7,286 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaics (PV) installed in 2015. A new one-year record. Here is a graph, dated Feb 22nd, 2016, that was produced by GTM Research, and found in SEIA’s, release which illustrates the U.S. solar market growth. I see a trend…

Including bid request and purchasing activity from the U.S. public sector, please reference the following infographic to see that there is relevant movement in Canada as well. While we focus this analysis on solar / photovoltaic solutions, as you are likely aware, not every solar solution involves “energy xxx”.
Public Sector Securing Solar Solutions:
It could be you, may be your neighbor, and as we now know, it is very likely your government putting solar to work. If you provide solar-related solutions, look at the below actual, current bid requests. To also review the associated bid documents, let us know.
Sample Active Bids/RFPs
Solar Engergy
Let us know if you would like to review the current solar / photovoltaic bids and/or past data. Contact us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.