Year in Bid Requests Review for SCADA, Programmable Logic, and Building Control Systems

If you have frequented our blog recently, you understand that one of our points of emphasis is the research and review of technology solutions being applied by public sector entities. As with many other industries, and particularly now, companies which provide supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), programmable logic, and building control solutions are wary of the cyber security threat. Again, a topic we have covered in depth. Now, back to SCADA.

We are not alone in reporting on the growth in the SCADA market. MarketsandMarkets forecasted a growth to $11.16 billion by 2020. If the procurement activity by Federal, Canadian, and State and Local entities is any indication, those numbers are likely to easily come to fruition.

Without further ado, here is our twelve month evaluation of past and current bid requests for SCADA, programmable logic, building controls, and RTU systems and solutions.

Graphical view of past 12 months

Breakdown by public sector type

Leading U.S. federal departments/agencies

Sample Active Bids/RFPs

SCADA, Programmable Logic, Building Control Systems

For more information about the bid requests in this growing industry, call us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.

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