Riot Gear & Crowd Control Strategies Grow with U.S. Governments

Throughout the history of this land, people have been protesting. Anyone remember a little tea party in Boston? As Bill Culhane mentions in this video, our forefathers did get it right with the First Amendment. We should all have the right to peaceably assemble. Law enforcement, along with other agencies in the U.S., have solicited and purchased a variety of different types of equipment and solutions to ensure people can exercise their right.

In this video, we update some information from our blog this past summer: Riot Gear and Crowd Control Requests from Law Enforcement and Government Agencies.

As you will see and hear, agencies have purchased riot gear, crowd management services, disturbance monitoring equipment, crowd control barricades and signs, along with other items and services.

Watch this video for an update on our initial analysis and report.

Sample Active Bids/RFPs

Riot Gear & Crowd Control

To see more about related bids / RFPs, and to view the bid documents, call us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.

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