224 in the past twelve months. That’s the impressive number of bid requests for NG911-related systems and services submitted by government entities in the United States and Canada. All public sector levels, city, county, state, and federal are striving to ensure their communities have access to the latest in technology for accessing and communicating with emergency care.
Why is NG911 even necessary? Back in April 2015, the U.S. Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, released a research overview on NG911, “The nation’s current 9-1-1 system is designed around outdated telephone technology and cannot handles the text, data, images and video that are common in personal communications and critical to future safety and mobility advances.”
One recent example of a public sector entity addressing the need for modernization. Morning Journal, ‘NG911 beginning to take shape’, May 14, 2015, “County commissioners took another step toward implementing the Next Generation 911 system, Wednesday morning, authorizing Commissioner Timothy Wegle to begin working out details with General Dynamics and sign a purchase contract for the system.”
Unfortunately, the need and importance of emergency communication systems hit close to home at our Austin, Texas headquarters. Torrential rainfall, and associated flooding in Austin and innumerable surrounding communities have resulted in loss of life and injuries to many. Heroic efforts by dedicated first responders and others prevented even further loss. Of course, in most instances, the sequence of rescue events began with utilization of emergency communication tools.
As the development and utilization of technology expands across many layers in our society and threats continue to exist and increase, it is mandatory that we deploy and use robust communication tools, such as NG911.
Sample Active Bids/RFPs
911 Equipment, Solutions, Services
Is your community ready in case of emergency? Which emergency communication tools are in use within your community? How advanced is your local NG911 system? If you aren’t sure, we are fully aware, it’s time to ask the right questions.
For more information on bid requests / RFPs for NG911 systems or any other industry, visit BidPrime or call us at 888.808.5356.