Unless you recently returned to the United States after a lengthy visit to Mars, you understand that law enforcement, police tactics, deadly force, body worn cameras, citizen rights, etc., have been frequent topics and covered in depth by all forms of media. In this blog, we have researched and reviewed many of these issues and analogous.
As laws, rules, policies, and expectations change, law enforcement, government agencies, public safety, private security, and military units throughout the United States are progressing towards non-lethal solutions.
Here are a couple of recent examples of government entities in action. You can swiftly explore the news for many others. Yesterday, The Sentinel reported, “The Montgomery County Police Department received a $134,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice that will provide 100 cops with Taser-brand stun guns on Oct. 29…”
Also yesterday, The Athens Daily Review noted, “The Henderson County Commissioners Court approved payment of bills on Tuesday, which included the purchase of Tasers for the Henderson County Sheriff’s Department.”
With the already witnessed prosperity of body worn camera, automatic license plate recognition, and complementary industries, we foresee that the non-lethal solutions industry is poised to surge. Newsflash!… government procurement has been and will continue to be at the forefront of this rise. Here is a visual on our brief analysis of the government agency bid request activity over the past 365 days.
Sample Active Bids/RFPs
Tasers, Pepper Spray, Incapacitation Devices
For a historical review of this industry and current bid requests, contact us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.