Our Leadership. Anything is Possible.

BidPrime has come a long way. It started with a vision on how to make things better, understanding that “anything is possible”, and today we are redefining our industry. Co-Founders Stephen Hetzel and Josh Schwartzbeck cover the story on how BidPrime started and a glimpse at the future. A few of our teammates give a firsthand look at how Stephen and Josh have led the way in helping to make “anything possible”.

From day one in 2009, until today, Stephen and Josh have ensured there is an environment where our team can thrive and clients can succeed. Thank you to our clients, teammates, and friends of the company for joining us on our journey. In the future, the possibilities are limitless!

To learn more about BidPrime, or to discuss how to win public sector business, please call us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.