Infrastructure Bill is Signed, So What's Next?

Bill Culhane, host of 'The Big Bid Theory', visits with two industry experts to discuss the recently signed bipartisan infrastructure bill. Watch this two part discussion for tips and answers to many (all?) of your questions about the transformational legislation.

Infrastructure Bill is Signed, So What's Next? Part 1 with Emily Feenstra

'The Big Bid Theory' has gone video! Now that the bipartisan infrastructure bill is signed, what comes next for the public sector, businesses, the country and citizens?

Emily Feenstra, Managing Director, Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives, at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), shared her expertise and insider opinions.

Among the topics, Feenstra noted how there are opportunities beyond paving and asphalt, details involved in planning and funding the projects, the role oversight will play in keeping things moving forward, and why this long overdue piece of legislation is critical to the people in the US.

Our Guest: Emily Feenstra, ASCE


Infrastructure Bill is Signed, So What's Next? Part 2 with Stephen Hetzel

'The Big Bid Theory' has gone video, Part 2! We've been talking about an infrastructure bill forever. Many people thought it wouldn't happen, no matter who was in The White House or Congress. As of November 15th, the infrastructure bill is law.

Stephen Hetzel, co-Founder and COO, from BidPrime, discusses what businesses and contractors need to know relative to the infrastructure bill and how they can best position themselves to identify, pursue, and win the coveted government contracts.

Following up on the Part 1 conversation with Emily Feenstra, Hetzel points out a steady uptick in resilience and pre-mitigation opportunities in the last year, a number of infrastructure projects already underway, a quick overview of asset management opportunities, and other industry analysis you don't want to miss.

Hetzel wrapped up his visit by sharing strategies and tools that prospective contractors and vendors can take advantage of to win these contracts.

Our Guest: Stephen Hetzel, BidPrime


For more information about the infrastructure-related opportunities, to see the current bids, visit the 'Infrastructure Hub', or call BidPrime at 888.808.5356.