What do you need to know as your business deals with COVID-19 pandemic? Terri Williams, a leading expert on small business issues, addresses a myriad of important topics: available services and support, challenges and threats, government assistance, and cybersecurity. Terri also profiles the Business Recovery Accelerator designed to immediately assist businesses.

Rick Jennings closes down the episode with a dive into BidPrime’s COVID Bid Hub and recaps a few of the many solicitations addressing pandemic related goods and services.

All of that and more. A lot more!

Click below to listen.

Our Guest:

Terri Williams

On Twitter: @UTSASBDC

Resources mentioned in episode:


Business Recovery Accelerator

Small Business Development Center

Phone number: 210-458-2272

For more information on bids / RFPs related to COVID-19, call us at 888.808.5356 or visit COVID-19 Bid Hub.