What are Worst of the Worst in Government Websites?

BidPrime News Jun 07, 2017

Each day, 365 days every year, we monitor and work in 110,000+ government websites, a number which is continually growing. Consequently, especially our Austin-based Client Support team, has a front row seat to the occasional good and often bad in government websites.

It’s our job to work with these websites. We understand that you have better things to dothan waste your time navigating around attempting to locate the information you need for your business.

Recently, out Client Support team sat down with Kevin, our Director of Digital Marketing, to put together the following video. Our experts identified what they consider to be the worst of the worst. Which are the public sector websites which your company would have on your list?

With no further ado, our ‘Top 5 Bad Government Websites’:

Invest your time in growing your business. Let us deal with these websites for you. For more information about BidPrime, please visit our website or call us at 888.808.5356.

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