How Much Did U.S. and Canadian Government Purchasing Rise in 2016?
2016 was a record breaking year, not just in terms of government purchasing activity in the U.S. and Canada, but also for the number of bid requests / RFPs we identified at BidPrime.
Based on what we’ve all seen and heard, 2017 forecasts to be even more robust. While the respective leadership in the U.S. and Canada each tout and lay out the plans for massive investment in infrastructure improvements, the activity we noted in 2016, and are currently witnessing at the infancy of 2017, goes well beyond roads, bridges, and airports.
Because of the streamlining and optimization of governmental eprocurement systems, state and local governments continue to increase the number of competitive solicitations.
Although state and municipal governmental budgets grew significantly, as noted below, the number of competitive bids and contracts increased at a greater rate. This means that cities and states and eschewing longer term contracts in favor of more frequent Quick Quotes, lower volume opportunities issued with a short response date under 6 days.
Why are governments going to Quick Quotes? Quick quotes are less binding, less price committal, and a more efficient tool for cost savings and realistic volume purchasing. Moreover, non-competitive purchase orders are increasingly being replaced by the Quick Quote solicitation process.
We expect volume to continue growing at all levels in 2017, as budgets increase and a greater number of small/medium-sized agencies follow suit on this trend. The following infographic provides some data to support our optimism, as we reflect upon the growth between 2015 and 2016.
Bid and Budget Comparisons 2015 <> 2016:

What is the outlook in 2017 for public sector opportunities in your industry? We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss our findings and review relevant bid request / RFP activity applicable to your business.
For the bid requests and associated bid documents, please call us at 888.808.5356 or visit our website: BidPrime.