Quick Glance at Response by US Governments to Troubled Dam Infrastructure
Earlier this year, National Geographic published a story on the removal of dams in what can best be categorized as a troubled dam infrastructure in the United States, “Movement to Take Down Thousands of Dams Goes Mainstream”. In the past year, federal, state, and local governments in the U.S. have submitted a total of 450 bid requests related to dams.
Recent events in the southeastern part of the U.S., fueled by historic rain levels, have raised this topic in the consciousness of many. Hopefully, this includes governments throughout the country. In particular, rain in South Carolina has resulted in numerous fatalities and widespread devastation. The failure, or lack of adequate dams, has contributed to the problems. CNN filed just one of the reports on these events, “South Carolina flooding: Dams breached, more trouble ahead”.
I mentioned there are governments appearing to take proactive measures to repair, enhance, and make additions to the dam infrastructure within their areas of responsibility. Our research compiled some of the data on the associated government bid requests.
Bid / RFPs – Dams in the U.S.
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For more details about government requests regarding dam projects, solutions, and services, call us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.