Dr. Lance Hayden is back with more on how you can protect your business from hackers. He also looks into the crystal ball on the future of cyber attacks. People are keeping score on how secure you manage and do business. As you know by now, Lance knows his stuff. He's a former spy, author, and current guru of all things information security.

In Tony’s absence, Bill takes over the #CrazyBids baton. This #CrazyBids will have you climbing up a tree. Well, if you’re exceptional that is.

Gobble, gobble means the TBBT guys are taking off for Thanksgiving. Tryptophan doesn’t equal a good podcast. We do hope you and yours have a safe, happy Thanksgiving holiday.

All of that and more. A lot more!

Click on image to listen.

Lance’s twitter: @hay_lance

Lance’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drhayden

Publications: IT Security Metrics: A Practical Framework for Measuring Security & Protecting Data

People-Centric Security: Transforming Your Enterprise Security Culture

For questions, or details, about the podcast, call us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.