Is it time for you to implement a computer security program? Part 1 of our visit with Dr. Lance Hayden. Lance is a former CIA officer, a noted security and privacy expert, currently Chief Privacy and Security Officer at ePatientFinder and serving as a faculty member at the University of Texas. He stopped by to discuss the recent cyberattacks, hackers and enterprise security cultures. Eye and ear opening information.

Moooove in a little closer and check out this #CrazyBids. Tony is going to milk this bid request for all he can.

Have you heard? For the first time in the history of our show, the Chicago Cubs are World Series champions.

All of that and more. A lot more!

Click on image to listen.

Lance’s twitter: @hay_lance

Lance’s LinkedIn:

Publications: IT Security Metrics: A Practical Framework for Measuring Security & Protecting Data

People-Centric Security: Transforming Your Enterprise Security Culture

For questions, or details, about the podcast, call us at 888.808.5356 or visit BidPrime.