What's in a BidPrime Trial?

Try before you buy. Invest a little time in seeing how we compare — apples to apples — with your current method or solution.

We believe in our technology and our people. Because of that we welcome the chance, to offer you our free, no obligation, no credit card required trial. We are committed to fighting buyer’s remorse — and standing up and out as the best solution for finding relevant and timely government bid data.

Our coverage is so good that our free trial is the place our competitors go to when they miss bids! So, why don’t other services offer a full trial? Because their potential buyers would find too many reasons not to subscribe, or find too many deficiencies and holes in their data. A slide deck or a smoke and mirrors demo where someone have no access to drive the vehicle is never a full representation of any service or product.

We understand that a bid database is an important decision, whether public work is a portion or a majority of your business. Our trial gives you an opportunity to test us against current knowledge, take advantage of our real-time coverage, know about bids and pre-bids first, and easily access relevant data through our customized setups.

BidPrime has the most reliable coverage resulting in the highest quantity of opportunities, superior technology that delivers these opportunities days before others … the most relatable client service and intelligent customization on the market, and the easiest methods access to the information companies need.

See why we’re confident in our people, our technology and our data. Please call us at 888.808.5356, or visit: BidPrime.