Where Can You Turn to Save Time, Money, and Stress When Requesting Bid Documents?
If you believe to any degree that, “time is money”, you will also likely agree that it is wise to look to save time whenever, wherever possible. When it comes to pursuing government purchasing opportunities, with rare exceptions, you have to review the applicable bid documents, before deciding if a bid request/RFP is the right opportunity for your business.
There is the catch, isn’t it? If the bid documents aren’t readily available, where do you register? What do you have to do on the websites? What do you have to spend to access the documents? Who do you have to call and/or know? All of this is in the name of, 1. Getting your hands on the documents to, 2. Decide if you even want to move forward with the response! My apologies, but that has “wasted time and money” written all over it. How often do you end up at a website like this?

Put your credit card away! While it certainly isn’t the only benefit of our service, we receive a multitude of notes of appreciation and nods of approval for our ‘BidSpec Direct” solution. In short, our software engineers, backed by the Client Support team (which I proudly manage), have developed, fine-tuned and implemented a quick, easy process for getting the bid documents into your hands. Do not tell my boss I told you, but a majority of the time we have the bid documents already available with the bid requests. Ssshhh…
In this VIDEO, we share an overview of the request bid documents process.
For those who prefer infographics, look here...

Still not convinced or think there is zero chance the process can be this simple? That is a fair and reasonable response. Sign up for a free, no obligation trial... give it a two-week test drive. Otherwise, we understand for a handful there is a level of comfort in, "we have always had to hunt for and pay for bid documents." If that is the case, best of luck and keep those portal logon credentials and your credit card handy.
For more information on BidSpec Direct, contact us at 888.808.5356, or visit BidPrime.