The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990. Governments across the U.S. and Canada are investing in Assistive Technology. As a matter of fact, we identified 454 bid requests submitted by U.S. and Canadian government agencies, specifically for assistive technology, equipment, services, and programs.

Among the many examples of bid requests we found were: Assistive Technology Grants, Assistive Technology and Transportation Loan Guarantee, Braille Transcription Service, Deaf Access Program Services, Mental Health & Behavioral Interventions For The Deaf & Hard Of Hearing, Hearing Aids and Accessories Statewide, Emergency Response Systems - Aging and Disabilities Program, Portable Wheelchair Lift, ADA Improvements, New Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Installation,and more.

Here was our original report... 'Assistive Technology, Equipment, Solutions Bid Requests by Government'.

Sample Active Bids/RFPs

Assistive Technology

For more information on the public sector bid requests, call 888.808.5356, or visit BidPrime.