Stephen Hetzel, the COO at BidPrime, helped us close down season 6 of TBBT. In this episode, Hetzel looks at the industries most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. He also shared his insights into what's ahead in 2021 and how we’re going to get out of this.
He provided an interesting comparison of the 2009 recovery and looked at some of the industries that are due for a turnaround and growth in 2021 as government investment spurs the recovery.
He ends the interview with an update on BidPrime's lawsuit v DemandStar, as BidPrime continues their pledge to support and fight for free and fair competition in government purchasing.
Rick Jennings, with a tear in his eye, delivers the final #CrazyBids of Season 6. You're likely going to say, "that's a cheesy Crazy Bids".
All of that and more. Much more.
Click below to listen.
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